Research supervisors

University Medical Centre Groningen, The Netherlands

Prof. dr. Mariët Hagedoorn full professor and head of the Health Psychology Research Programme at UMCG.

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Her research focuses on adaptation to chronic and life-threatening illness in a dyadic context, that is focusing on both patients and their significant others/caregivers. She makes use of longitudinal surveys and daily diary methods to unravel (daily) support and caregiving processes in couples or other dyads (e.g., adult child caregiver and older parent), and experimental designs and eHealth interventions to test how we may improve psychosocial care and support.

Involved in ESR3, ESR8, ESR9 and ESR11.

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Prof. dr. Robbert Sanderman full professor and head of the Department of Health Psychology at UMCG and UT.

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His research is focused on psychological and social adaptive processes in patients with a chronic somatic disease (e.g. cancer, diabetes, heart failure and COPD). Apart from studying development over time of quality of life and psychological mechanisms in adjustment, he is involved in studies testing the efficacy of psychosocial interventions aimed at restoring quality of life among such groups of patients, including the use of eHealth tools.

Involved in ESR3, ESR12, ESR14 and ESR15.

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Dr. Anne Looijmans, post-doctoral researcher at the department of Health Psychology at the UMCG and project manager of ENTWINE.

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Her research focuses on developing eHealth tools for informal caregivers of palliative patients to lower caregiver burden and increase positive care experiences, and studying the effectiveness of tools for cancer patients and survivors who struggle with cancer-related fatigue. She uses both qualitative and quantitative methods.

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University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Prof. dr. Erik Buskens professor of Health Technology Assessment.

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His research focusses on modelling and (early) evaluation and adoption of innovations in health care. Throughout his career, he instigated and helped set up new and cross-faculty research and educational programs, as well as the development of innovative health care concepts, and evaluation thereof.

Involved in ESR4 and ESR5.

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Viola Angelini is associate professor at the Department of Economics, Econometrics and Finance of the University of Groningen.

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She is also coordinator of the theme “Justice” of the Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health, focusing on socio-economic inequalities in health. Her research interests include health economics, economics of ageing and applied microeconometrics.

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University of Twente, The Netherlands

Prof. dr. J van Gemert-Pijnen, Lisette is full professor eHealth research at the university of Twente, with a focus on Persuasive Health Technology.

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Lisette founded and coordinates the first Center for eHealth & Wellbeing Research at the University of Twente ( Her research focusses on development and implementation of eHealth technologies to improve healthcare and to create persuasive designs to increase engagement, adherence to these technologies. Implementation strategies are developed to implement eHealth technologies that are adopted and used in practice.

Involved in ESR10, ESR12 and ESR13.

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Dr. Annemarie Braakman, assistant professor at the Centre for eHealth & Wellbeing Research at the University of Twente.

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Her research focus is on design, implementation, process and (cost) effectiveness evaluation of personalized data-driven persuasive health technology interventions to improve health and wellbeing of individuals, communities as well as health care workers. Her current focus is in the domain of COPD, DM, CHF, Dementia and Safe care to prevent antimicrobial resistance in healthcare. She is involved in several PPS projects with creative industry partners to innovate healthcare.

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Nedap Healthcare, The Netherlands

Dr. Jan Hendrik Croockewit studied Applied Physics and Computational Physics at TU Delft.

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He started his industrial career with a position at the Nedap production facility. He spun off Nedap Healthcare in 2000 and founded Nedap Soul in 2011. He is also a visiting professor at the faculty of CTW, University of Twente, where he collaborates with students and staff from multiple disciplines on projects that address (the context of) behaviour change, the soul of a product, collaborating in creative processes, and business cases in healthcare.

Involved in ESR13.

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Bar Ilan, Israel

Prof. Rachel Dekel, full professor at the Louis and Gabi Weisfeld School of Social Work at Bar-Ilan University, and former head of the school.

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Currently, Prof. Dekel serves as the Dean of the international school for foreign students at Bar-Ilan University. Winner of the I-CORE: Israeli Centers of Research Excellence, in the area of mass trauma. Rachel is world- known for her research on caregiver burden and coping in the context of trauma and domestic violence. Currently, she is the director of the family trauma clinic, Bar Ilan University, and provides training in a specific intervention for individuals and caregivers coping with a major stress in the family.

Involved in ESR1 and ESR7.

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Prof. Noa Vilchinsky, associate professor, head of the Psycho-Cardiac Research Laboratory (PCRL) at Bar-Ilan University and a certified clinical-rehabilitation psychologist.

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As such, she has relevant clinical experience in treating patients and caregivers, as well as a great deal of experience in executing long- term prospective dyadic studies, and has published many papers in this field of research. Dr. Vilchinsky is the pivot of the Israeli team- orchestrating the collaborations among hospital departments, research labs, research centres, clinics, researchers and students.

Involved in ESR2 and ESR7.

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Dr. Ilanit Gordon, senior lecturer, Director of the Social Neuroscience research lab, Department of Psychology, Bar-Ilan University.

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She is well positioned to study the physiological underpinnings of synchronous or a-synchronous interactions in the context of caregiving. Her lab can assess (via behavioral microanalysis) specific caregiving behaviors in both the caregiver and the patient.

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Dr. Orit Rotem-Mindali, senior lecturer at the department of geography and Environment at Bar Ilan University.

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The head of the MA program in regulation and environmental policy, which is a joint program to the Faculty of Law and the Geography and Environment department at Bar Ilan University. Orit is also a member of the leading team of the Bar Ilan’s center for smart cities.

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Bangor University, The United Kingdom

Prof. dr. Val Morrison’s is a full Professor of Health Psychology at the School of Psychology, Bangor University, Wales, UK

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This involves prospective studies using mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative) conducted with patients or carers living with a range of chronic health conditions. A key aspect of this work has involved identifying patterns, predictors and consequences of motivations to care and cultural variations therein.

Involved in ESR1, ESR2, ESR4 and ESR6.

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Dr. Diane Seddon is reader in social care at the School of Health Sciences, Bangor University.

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She has taken a leading role in developing a successful social care research programme, attracting research grants totalling over £7 million. She has an established reputation for completing policy relevant research that has impact. This includes reviews of national policy implementation such as the National Carers Strategies in England for the Department of Health and in Wales for the Welsh Government. Diane contributes to the development and delivery of the Welsh Government’s Research Infrastructure Support System and leads initiatives to better integrate research, policy and practice. She is a member of the Ministerial Advisory Group for Carers, Welsh Government.

Involved in ESR1.

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University of Glasgow, The United Kingdom

Prof. dr. Emily Cross’s research focuses on how different kinds of experience shape how we perceive and interact with other people (or robots) we encounter in our daily lives

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Emily has over a decade’s worth of experience running training interventions where healthy participants, ranging from children to the elderly, learn new skills, and her team measures changes to their neurocognitive profile before and after learning.

Involved in ESR6.

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Universitá Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Catholic University of Milan), Italy

Prof. dr. Andrea Gaggioli, Professor of General Psychology at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. He coordinates the Research Unit in Psychology of Creativity and Innovation.

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His main research focus is “Positive Technology”, a field that aims at understanding how interactive technologies - such as virtual reality, augmented reality and mobile tools - can be used to promote psychological wellbeing and empower individuals and groups.

Involved in ESR8.

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Prof. dr. Giuseppe Riva, full Professor of General Psychology and Communication Psychology and Director of the ICE-NET Lab at the Catholic University of Milan, Italy.

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Riva pioneered much of the applications that enabled the diffusion of Virtual Reality and Internet in the field of health care. Recently, the main contribution of Riva’s research work is related to the impact of mediated technologies on the user’s experience. Through the analysis of the cognitive processes involved in simulated realities Riva expanded the concept of “Presence” – the feeling of being there - originally developed by communication scholars. Involved in ESR6 and ESR12.

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Dr. Silvia Serino, post-doctoral researcher at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan, Italy).

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Her approach is multidisciplinary, with a specific expertise in the use of virtual reality as an effective tool for the assessment and treatment of different disorders, and the use of advanced technologies to promote wellbeing and active ageing. She participated in different national and international research projects mainly focused on the exploitation of advanced technologies in the management of mental disorders.

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Dr. Alice Chirico, post-doctoral researcher at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan, Italy).

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Her main research interest concerns the relationship between complex emotions and Transformative Experiences using new technologies and art. She also investigates Flow experience, group flow, Networked Flow modeling and optimal group collaboration in various contexts.

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National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing, Italy

Dr. Giovanni Lamura, coordinates the Centre for Socio-Economic Research on Ageing at INRCA.

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He has a longstanding experience in the study of support services for carers of older people, and in the last decade started studying the role of ICT-based solutions in this field. He first coordinated a 4- country study (CARICT) to develop an Impact Assessment Methodology and select EU-wide good practices in this area, and then a project (CARICT-PUBL) to set up a repository of these services. More recently, he coordinated the design and implementation of InformCare, the European platform for support services for carers, developed in close collaboration with Eurocarers (the European federation of carers’ organization and research centres on caregiving). Involved in ESR5, ESR9 and ESR11.

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Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy

Elena Spina, is Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics and Social Sciences of Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy).

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Her main fields of interest are sociology of professional groups, with particular focus on social and health professions, and sociology of health and illness where she focuses on associationism involving chronically  ill patients.

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Micol Bronzini, is assistant professor of economic sociology at the Department of Economics and Social Sciences, Polytechnic University of Marche (Italy).

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Her main research focus is welfare policies and, in particular, healthcare. As a member of the Interdepartmental Research Centre on Healthcare and Social integration (CRISS) she coordinates the stream of research on illness narratives and works on informal care educational programmes (family learning programmes). She principally makes use of qualitative methods

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Uppsala Universitet, Sweden

Prof. dr. Louise von Essen, professor in Caring Sciences, with a focus on oncology, at the Department of Women’s and Children’s Health.

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Louise is the founder and director of the U-CARE research group and an expert in eHealth and clinical psychology. Her main area of research focus has been in oncology, including the mental health of parents/caregivers of children and young people with cancer. She is an expert in the development, piloting, evaluation and implementation of eHealth solutions.

Involved in ESR3 and ESR14.

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Dr. Joanne Woodford, researcher in Clinical Psychology and Health Care Sciences, with a focus on informal caregiving and family mental health, at the Department of Women’s and Children’s Health.

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Joanne is a member of the U-CARE research group and an expert in e-mental health, clinical psychology, and feasibility and pilot studies. Her main area of research focus has been in the area of family mental health, including the mental health of informal caregivers of stroke survivors and people with dementia, adult-daughters providing care to older parents, parents of children with cancer, and women with postnatal depression.

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Prof. dr. Pär Ågerfalk, professor in the Department of Informatics and Media.

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His research centres on open source software development, digital innovation, software development methods, and how information systems development and conceptual modelling can be informed by pragmatism.

Involved in ESR10.

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Linköping University, Sweden

Prof. dr. Gerhard Andersson, is a full professor of Clinical Psychology (appointed 2003).

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During his whole career, Gerhard has worked part-time with patients, mainly in audiology, but also in psychiatry. He is trained as a CBT therapist and has a license and graduate diploma as a psychotherapist (2005). His current research interests are (i) the application of the internet and modern information technology in psychological research, in particular guided psychological treatment via the internet, (ii) cognitive-behavioural treatment and psychotherapy research, (iii) health psychology and (iv) cognitive aspects of health problems.

Involved in ESR15.

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