Recommended reading
Friedman, B., Kahn, P. H., Borning, A., & Huldtgren, A. (2013). Value sensitive design and information systems. In Early engagement and new technologies: Opening up the laboratory (pp. 55-95). Springer, Dordrecht.
Petrovic, M., & Gaggioli, A. (2021). The potential of transformative video design for improving caregiver’s wellbeing. Health Psychology Open, 8(1), 20551029211009098.
van Gemert-Pijnen, L., Kelders, S. M., Kip, H., & Sanderman, R. (Eds.). (2018). eHealth research, theory and development: a multi-disciplinary approach. Routledge.
Smits, M., Bredie, B., van Goor, H., & Verbeek, P. P. (2019, November). Values that Matter: Mediation theory and Design for Values. In Academy for Design Innovation Management Conference 2019: Research perspectives in the era of Transformations (pp. 396-407). Academy for Design Innovation Management.
Cruz-Martínez RR, Wentzel J, Bente BE, Sanderman R, van Gemert-Pijnen JE. Towards Value Sensitive Design of eHealth Technologies to Support Self-Management of Cardiovascular Diseases: Content Analysis. JMIR Cardio. 03/10/2021:31985 (forthcoming/in press)