Recommended reading
1- About carers in Europe
2- Nap HH, Hoefman R, De Jong N, Lovink L, Glimmerveen L, Lewis F, Santini S, D’Amen B, Socci M, Boccaletti L, Casu G. The awareness, visibility and support for young carers across Europe: a Delphi study. BMC health services research. 2020 Dec;20(1):1-6.
3- Riedel M, Kraus M. Informal care provision in Europe: regulation and profile of providers. ENEPRI; 2011 Nov 3.
4- Leu A, Becker S. A cross-national and comparative classification of in-country awareness and policy responses to ‘young carers’. Journal of Youth Studies. 2017 Jul 3;20(6):750-62.
5- Viitanen TK. Informal and formal care in Europe.
6- Van Houtven C, Carmichael F, Jacobs J, Coyte PC. The economics of informal care. InOxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance 2019 May 23.
7-Leu A, Guggiari E, Phelps D, Magnusson L, Nap HH, Hoefman R, Lewis F, Santini S, Socci M, Boccaletti L, Hlebec V. Cross-national Analysis of Legislation, Policy and Service Frameworks for Adolescent Young Carers in Europe. Journal of Youth Studies. 2021 Jul 14:1-21.
8-Yghemonos S. Multidisciplinary policies and practices to support and empower informal carers in Europe. International Journal of Integrated Care. 2021 Sep 1;21(S1).
9- Bolas H, Wersch AV, Flynn D. The well-being of young people who care for a dependent relative: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Psychology and health. 2007 Oct 1;22(7):829-50.